• Ionic Detox Foot Bath

    $399.00 $299.00
  • Product Code: IONGMI6R79

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Product Information

Dual Ionic Foot Bath Spa

  • Includes two Arrays (probes) for detoxing and a carrying case
  • Dual-user system. Includes two earphones, two wrist straps and tube of conductive wrist strap gel
  • System includes built-in MP3 player for use during sessions

This unit comes with 2 arrays, 2 wrist strap,1 power cord, 2 earphones for listening MP3 and 1 instruction. The Detox Aqua Foot Bath Cleanse System is an amazing system with modern methods for detoxifying your entire body. The method of bathing your feet in warm water while using positive and negative ions from an ion generator is genius! The process is known as electrolysis. The array is the actual ion generator device that is soaked into the water to create the ion charges and flows within that solution. It functions by activating the cells, improving your metabolism and detoxifying all the organs, assisting the body in restoring to health, enhance immunity, prevent pathogens, and ultimately renewing the body and mind. The way Ionization works is a water molecule is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. When the molecule loses a hydrogen atom, the remaining OH molecule takes on a negative charge. As you walk along the beach your body absorbs millions of these negatively charged ions, which alkalize the blood and tissue. A healthy person should contain 80% negative electrons and 20% positive electrons. In most cases, poor diet and high stress are the main cause as we tend to accumulate and store excessive quantities of waste products. Some of these waste products can include many acids such as diacetic, pyruvic, lactic, butyric, uric, carbonic, acetic and hepatic acids.

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